10 Tips for working & stay at home moms with kids

As a full-time stay at home mom, wife, mother of three active boys ages 5, 2, and 5 months, I am constantly being asked how do you keep it together? My answer is you must pray, have faith, support and encouragement from your spouse and family. With the assistance of my husband and family, I have incorporated a ten step program which I will share with you. This has helped assist me through my daily activities. I believe having a mentor in your life is an important step in the process. My mentor is my mother, she has always advised me that there is nothing like being a mother. We all know that motherhood isn’t always easy, we always deal with multiple things as a mother. She has said being a mother is more than a full time job. We all know that motherhood isn’t easy because we deal with so much, but with our faith and perseverance things will fall into place. I always valued my mothers advice because in my opinion, she will always be my very own superwoman!

           Finally, our role as a mom requires us to wear many hats. Whether you have a full time job outside the home or are a stay at home mom, here are my top 10 best practices I use to manage my day.


Step 1.

  Set realistic goals and have a systems in place to help you manage your unpredictable day.


Step 2.

Start your day before everyone else gets up!!


Step 3.

Get dressed everyday as if your going to your job! Treat your dress attire as if you are going to your job. I have always been taught by my dad to always dress for success regardless of the situation. Feeling good and being confident is a great way to start your day.


Step 4.

Put together a schedule to do list. I have found this has been effective for me.


Step 5.

Keep your children actively busy throughout the day & assist them with planning there own schedule. This makes them accountable for there day.


Step 6.

Be flexible in all you do because your day will consistency change.


Step 7.

Schedule designated family time. This is a must, and it doesn’t have to be going somewhere and spending a lot of money. You can make fun memories at home, at the park, hiking, making crafts or just simply watching a fun family movie.


Step 8.

Now mother’s, don’t forget about your Hubby!!! This is a must! Schedule designated times when the two of you can relax together. Never Stop Dating Your Spouse!!! ( Mommafullcircle.com has a couples Never Stop Dating Tee)


Step 9.

Me Time!!! All mothers must have that quality time for themselves. Moms please don’t forget about that self care. Don’t feel guilty for relaxing in a bubble bath, getting your nails and hair done, reading a book, or simply just taking a nap.


Step 10,

Girlfriend Time!!! This is another must, do things that you and the girls enjoy doing. It’s alway good to have additional voice and encouragement.

     Please feel free to leave comments, and ask questions. Im here!!! Don’t forget to subscribe  at www.mommafullcircle.com for newsletters and my weekly Tiff Talk Tuesday blogs.




1 comment

  • This is great advise and definitely something I will try!!! Thank you


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